Selected Bibliography
Selection of Texts and Publications of Art Works in Print:
1976 "Musag" no. 13 pp. 38 - 39 "Haim Moskowitz: Black Parallel Lines"
1980 "Shadmot" 76, Elul 1980, pp. 113 – 115: "Blowing spirit of Life in the Spirit of the Kibbutz"
"Dissolving Myths" – Artist's Book
"Yahad" no. 22 pp. 3 – 5: "Dissolving Myths"
1983 "Shadmot" 85, May 1983 pp. 28 – 55: "The Blindness"
1984 "Shadmot" 86 – 87 September 1984 pp. 155 – 160: "The Prayer and The Boy's Whistle"
"Upon a Harp with a Solemn sound" joint album: poems – Amnon Shamush, paintings – Haim Ma'or, Sifriyat Ha'Po'alim
"Heddim" 8 (118), November 1984 pp. 38 – 44: "The Common Factor Kibbutz – a symposium" and works for "Heddim" p. 41 and 63.
1988 "The Face of Race and The Face of Memory", a bilingual catalog (Hebrew and English) of the exhibition in Israel Museum, Jerusalem
1993 "The Face of Race and The Face of Memory from The Forbidden Library", a bilingual catalog (Dutch and English) of the exhibition at "The Hague Contemporary Art Center", Holland
1994 "The Forbidden Library", a bilingual catalog (Hebrew and English) of the exhibition at the Kfar Saba City Gallery
1996 "Suzanna Shoshana", a folder of the exhibition at the Memorial
Center, Tivon
"Suzanna Shoshana", an album of the exhibition at the City Gallery, Rehovot
"Twofold" (Pi-Shnayim), a catalog of the exhibition at the Bar David Jewish Art Museum, Kibbutz Bar'am (with Michael Seggen-Cohen)
"The Eyes of Art (four aspects by which art looks at reality)" by Haim Ma'or, publication of National Sahl Tarbut – Omanut La'am, "Keys" a series of perusals in Arts, no. 4 . editor: Haim Nagid
1997 "My Yellow Robe (The Holocaust in the Poetry of the Second Generation: an anthology)", publication of The Hebrew Authors Association in Israel. Editor: Oded Peled text, cover and illustrations for the book.
1998 A catalog for the Installation: "The Face of Race and Memory: Suzanna – Shoshanat Ya'akov", The bnai Brith Klutznick National Jewish Museum, Washington" . texts by Uri Soltess, Prof. Dan Bar-On and Haim Ma'or
"Covert Memoty – Overt Memory: The Consciousness of the Holocaust in The State of Israel", a book published by "Massua"
and by The Ministry of Defense. Editor: Yo'el Rappel.
"The Sabras Who Did Not Go in The Fields", an article by Haim Ma'or, pp. 137 – 154.
Breaking Crystal: Writing and Memory After Auschwitz, Edited by Efraim Sicher, University of Illinois Press Urbana and Chicago, p. 201 - 251.
2000 "Bridging The Gap", edited by Dan Bar-On, edition Korber-Stiftung, Hamburg.
"Lay The Tablet 1998 – 1999", text and photos by Haim Ma'or, pp. 48-57
2001 The book "To See Blue and White: a selection of articles about Art and Artists in Israel", by Haim Ma'or, is at the stages of publication
The book "Echoes of The Ashes" (temporary name), by Haim Ma'or, is at the stages of publication
2006 "The Face of Race and The Face of Memory: The Forbidden Library", Editor: Haim Ma'or, publication of "Massua" Institute for The Study of The Holocaust,Kibbutz Tel Yitzhak, p. 128, bilingual (Hebrew and English)
2008 "Islands of Memory: The Holocaust in The Museums at the turn of the 21st century", a selection of studies, articles and writings, File "Massua" 35. Editor: Nilli Karen, publication of "Massua", The Institute for The study of The Holocaust, and The Ministry of Defense
"History, Memory and Identity: The Permanent Exhibition at "The Museum of Massua", by Aya Ben Naftali, pp. 37 – 53 (inter alia, about Haim Ma'or's installations)
"From The Regions of Memory: Works by the Second and Third Generation of The Holocaust Survivals", published by Beit Lohamai Ha'Geta'ot – 'Beyahad' publication and by the Emmek Israel Academic College. Editor: Dr. Ronit Fisher.
"Photos of Works and Segments From The Book: "Echoes of The Ashes" by Haim Ma'or, pp. 202 – 213
"Yellow Badge Album", Edited by Ze'ev Barkan, Ze'ev Barkan Private Press, Jerusalem, p. 6, 14 and cover.
2010 pro memoria (2) 29. Państwowe Muzeum uschwitz-Birkenau, Oświęcim.
2011 "Haim Maor They are Me" Editor: Ruthi Ofek, The Open Museum, Tefen and Omer Industrial Parks.
A detailed list of more than 1000 files containing articles and essays published by Haim Ma'or since 1981 till today, in daily newspapers and in magazines and periodicals and \ or were written about his artistic work and as a curator, can be found at the "Israel's Art Computerized data-base", under the management of Rami Cohen.